We often get asked what impacts a project budget. Below is a short list of the main factors we see impacting new build, extension and renovation projects:

1. Size and Scale of Build
Unsurprisingly, the size of the house/ extension to be built or renovated will have a significant impact on budget. Whilst there can be economies of scale, larger homes will require more materials, labour, and time, directly increasing the project budget.

2. Design Complexity
A simple design will generally be more efficient to build than a complex design. That said, a very minimal aesthetic needs a high-quality finish to achieve a clean, simple, effortless look. Basements will be expensive due to additional factors such as excavation, retaining walls, access challenges and damp-proofing. Unusual designs will require more attention and detailing from the design team and contractor, and may require involvement from specialist contractors. All of this comes at a cost.

3. Specification Level and Material Choices
A kitchen could be £5,000, £50,000 or £150,000. Flooring may be £20 or £200 per sq/m. The higher the specification of materials, fixtures, fittings and finishes, the higher the budget will need to be. These choices should be considered and decided on as early as possible. This may seem obvious, but is often overlooked until well into the construction phase, when it’s too late!

4. Location
You may be in a location where there are a limited number of contractor or tradesperson options. This can impact cost and timescales. Regional variances in labour costs should also be considered. Specific site location should be thought through in terms of logistical challenges. Access issues, lack of set down areas for materials and no off-street parking can all impact cost.

5. Site Conditions & Preparation
Building on a sloping site will typically be more expensive than building on a level site. Are the ground conditions poor? If so, you may require specialist or more robust foundations to be designed and built. Does all excavated material need to be taken off site or can this be spread elsewhere or re-used on site? Is there an existing building to be removed from site or partially demolished?

All of the factors above can be identified, investigated or mitigated at an early stage in the design and construction process.
Please contact us to find out more.